ToutVendre.Fr France

Quick chef Tupperware 40 €

Annonce n° 22080414 - Publié le 18 juin à 19:50

40 €

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The Quick Chef Tupperware is a versatile kitchen tool that can be used for various cooking tasks such as mixing, emulsifying, and chopping. Its blades cut through ingredients quickly and efficiently, while its paddles mix and emulsify without leaving any residue. The removable handle makes for easy storage, and the tool is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. The set includes a 50 ml measuring cup for accurate measurement of ingredients when making emulsions. The Quick Chef Tupperware is a high-quality kitchen tool that was originally priced at 60 euros but is now available for sale in excellent condition. It is perfect for those who want to save time and effort in the kitchen while ensuring consistent results. The Quick Chef Tupperware is a must-have for anyone who values convenience and efficiency in their cooking. With its durable construction and versatile functionality, it is an investment that will last for years to come. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add this essential kitchen tool to your collection. Whether you are a professional chef or a home cook, the Quick Chef Tupperware is a valuable addition to your kitchen arsenal. Order now and enjoy the benefits of this high-performing kitchen tool!

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